Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Thank you all for being so attentive this morning. I hope it was interesting and challenging. Please, feel free to send me any comments or questions you have. My e-mail is

Also, you might find my blog interesting.

I hope the rest of your course goes well and I hope to hear from you when you get back to Korea.



Sokyon :-) said...

The pleasure was all mine to have the opportunitey to hear your insightful lecture on (esp.) vocabulary teaching. As a used-to-be graduate student of syntax and socio-linguistics myself, I found yours fascinating. Corpus of American English has been already added to my Favorites list. ^^

Unknown said...

Hi!Brett, This is DaeYung .Your lecture was good for me and thanks for letting us know many useful internet website. and your e-mail address. Your opinion on the Word order discussion was very persuasive one.